
Threads Vs Twitter : An Intense Competition Among Giants

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Meta has introduced Threads as a response to Elon Musk’s challenge to Mark Zuckerberg for a cage fight.

However, the battle is now between their respective social media platforms, Twitter and Threads.

Ever since Tesla’s founder took over Twitter and enhanced its functionality, it has been on the rise.

With the entry of Threads into the social media market, there is constant speculation among netizens about its potential to overpower Twitter.

Some argue that Twitter is superior to Threads, while others hold the opposite view.

If you find yourself confused about which platform to use for sharing and promoting your content, we have prepared a detailed comparison guide for both social networks.

Let’s delve into the world of Threads vs Twitter and determine who emerges victorious in this ultimate battle.

Threads vs Twitter: What is Threads?

You are probably already familiar with the immensely popular online social network known as Twitter. 

Since Elon Musk became its CEO, Twitter has been the talk of the town. 

It has been widely regarded as a micro-blogging platform for sharing content in short, snippet-sized posts known as tweets.

Twitter users started sharing longer pieces of information by creating threads of tweets when the character limit of a single tweet proved insufficient. 

This method of sharing content in threads gained immense popularity among Twitter users. 

And that’s exactly what Meta’s new app, Threads, is all about! It revolves around threads themselves.

Threads is essentially a counterpart to Twitter, designed by Meta to compete with its rival. 

In essence, Threads encompasses everything that Twitter offers, either to a lesser or greater extent. 

Both platforms share similar interfaces, features, and a common user base.

Also Read : What is Freelancing

Twitter vs Threads: Key Features & Differences

When it comes to features, these two microblogging social networks share many similarities. 

However, there are also some notable differences between them. 

Let’s take a closer look at the key similarities and differences between Twitter and Threads.

Twitter vs Threads: Key Differences

Sign Up Process

On Threads, you can only sign up using your active Instagram account. There is no alternative way to register on the platform.

If you don’t have an Instagram account, you will need to create one in order to join Threads.

In contrast, Twitter allows you to sign up using various methods, such as email, Apple ID, phone number, or Gmail.

Character Limit for Posts

Twitter used to have a character limit of just a few characters for a single tweet.

However, it has now been doubled to 280 characters, allowing users to share more information within this limit.

Anything beyond that can be shared through threaded replies.

Threads, on the other hand, offers a higher character limit for individual posts, allowing up to 500 characters.

This extended limit enables users to share more content without the need for threading.

Consequently, there is a greater chance of reaching a wider audience, especially those who prefer shorter posts.

Repost Features

Both Twitter and Threads allow users to retweet or repost others content using the retweet and repost buttons, respectively.

Additionally, Twitter provides a quote repost option, enabling users to repurpose others’ content while adding their own views.

The reposted content appears on your profile timeline, making it accessible to both you and visitors to your profile.

Media Upload Capabilities

Twitter allows users to post images, bulk images, URLs, audio recordings, videos, and GIFs as tweets. Threads, too, support these features. 

Users can upload pictures, GIFs, videos, and links, although audio recordings are not currently supported.

It is worth noting that Twitter’s video upload limit is 2 minutes and 20 seconds, whereas Threads allows videos of up to 5 minutes.

However, Twitter Blue, a paid service, offers the option to upload longer videos.

Post Editing Features

On Twitter, once a tweet is posted, it cannot be edited. The only option is to delete it and publish a new tweet.

However, Twitter Blue subscribers can edit their posted tweets.

Conversely, the Threads app does not allow any post editing. Once a post is submitted, it cannot be altered.

However, users can delete a post and create a new one.


Twitter users often use hashtags (#) followed by relevant keywords to make their tweets more discoverable in searches.

Users can browse hashtags to find tweets related to specific keywords.

Threads, however, does not currently support hashtags. While it is possible to write hashtags followed by keywords, they are not clickable.

It is expected that Meta will introduce this feature in future releases.

Search Options

Twitter offers an advanced search feature that allows users to search for tweets based on top and latest tweets, people, photos, videos, and even location.

Additionally, users can clear their search history individually or all at once.

At present, Threads does not have an advanced search option. Users can only search for people on the platform.

Therefore, if you are looking for a specific viral thread, you will be unable to find it.

Trends and Curated Posts

Twitter’s Trends section is one of its most popular features, enabling users worldwide to engage in discussions about specific topics.

The most-tweeted discussions become popular trends. Users can participate in these trends by tweeting using the corresponding hashtag.

Threads does not currently offer a similar feature to Trends.

Therefore, if you want to know what a particular group of users is discussing, you won’t be able to find out.

It is possible that Threads may introduce this feature in the future when hashtags become available.


While scrolling through Twitter feeds and the Explore tab, users may come across ads that can be unexpected or even annoying.

Although there is no way to eliminate ads completely, Twitter Blue subscribers can reduce the number of ads they see.

As of now, Threads does not have any advertisements. However, it is possible that Meta may introduce ads in the future, similar to Instagram and Facebook.

Direct Messaging

Twitter allows users to send direct messages to others.

Users can configure their direct message settings to determine who is authorized to message them.

Additionally, users can delete, react to, and share multimedia content such as images and GIFs through direct messages.

Unfortunately, Threads does not currently support direct messaging.

If you wish to message a user on Threads, you will need to visit their Instagram profile and send a message there. While this may be convenient, some users may have concerns about privacy.

Blocking & Restricting Content

Both Twitter and Threads take privacy seriously and offer the ability to block profiles that engage in misbehavior or share malicious or unwanted content.

When a person is blocked, they cannot tag you in their new posts, and you cannot see their newer posts.

Other Features

Twitter is a feature-rich platform that offers various advantages over Threads.

Some noteworthy features include location-based posts, polls, Twitter Spaces (audio chat rooms), the ability to download and save attached pictures, and the option to save tweets as lists and bookmarks for later reading.

Threads, on the other hand, currently lacks these features, making Twitter a more powerful social network in terms of functionality.

If you are an existing Twitter user who frequently utilizes Trends, Polls, and Spaces, it may not be the ideal time to switch to Threads.

Threads vs Twitter: User-Friendliness 

While the user interface of both platforms is similar, there are a few key differences.

The user experience of Threads is reminiscent of Twitter, ensuring a familiar feel for users.

Both platforms offer a feed view where users can see what’s happening in the community and view tweets or threads from others.

Twitter, however, provides two feed views: one showing tweets from people you follow, and the other displaying tweets from suggested accounts with the most influential tweets.

In Threads, there is a single main feed view that includes threads from people you follow and suggested threads.

While Twitter allows users to add their place of residence, professional details, and cover images to their profiles, Threads does not currently offer these bio features. Instead, a link to your Instagram profile is available in your Threads bio for easy access.

An important distinction between Twitter and Threads is that Twitter offers a desktop version for tweeting, replying, chatting, and more, while Threads is limited to a mobile version.

Threads vs Twitter: Pricing Difference

Twitter has introduced a monthly subscription called Twitter Blue, priced at $8.

Subscribers enjoy various benefits, including a verified profile (indicated by a blue tick), the ability to edit and undo tweets, post longer videos and tweets, access the Reader for threads feature, different themes, and more.

Threads does not currently offer any active subscription options, so there are no additional features to try out. 

However, if you have purchased Meta Verified ($11.99) for your Instagram account, it will also grant you a verified account on Threads. No separate subscription is required.

Threads vs Twitter: Who Emerges Victorious?

Determining the ultimate winner in this battle between social networks is a challenging task. However, Twitter surpasses Threads in terms of features.

Although it originated as a news network, Twitter has evolved into a powerful platform for professional networking, as well as a lively and thought-provoking forum.

Compared to the vast Twittersphere, Threads is still a relatively new phenomenon.

It is likely that the Meta team and its legendary founder are already working on new features for future releases.

It will be fascinating to see what groundbreaking updates the Meta platform brings.

For now, users can enjoy the fresh vibe of Threads and a plethora of tweets or switch between both networks as they please.

Just remember to strike a balance and limit your screen time.


There are significant differences between these two social networking platforms. Twitter offers a wealth of features, including direct messaging, hashtags, trends, location tagging, and more. Two areas where the Meta app outperforms Twitter are the character limit for text and video duration. Threads allows up to 500 characters for a single thread, nearly double Twitter’s 280-character limit. Additionally, Threads supports video uploads of up to 5 minutes, while Twitter limits video length for free users.

Threads offers a quick start by allowing users to sign up using their Instagram accounts. It also boasts a higher character limit for posts, allowing for more extensive content within a single thread. These features give Threads an edge over Twitter in terms of text-based communication.

No, joining Threads requires an Instagram account. If you don’t have one, you can create a new account to register on Threads. However, it is possible that future updates will introduce alternative sign-up options.

Threads is owned by Meta Companies, the parent company of Instagram. The platform was launched by Meta on July 6, 2023.

Threads currently has over 80 million active users. It achieved over 10 million users within just seven hours of its launch, making it the fastest-growing social media app.


The battle between Threads and Twitter has sparked immense curiosity among netizens.

While Twitter, with its established presence and extensive range of features, holds a dominant position, Threads, as a new contender, has its unique offerings.

Threads provides a fresh approach to microblogging, particularly with its higher character limit for posts and emphasis on threaded conversations.

Although Threads currently lacks certain features like hashtags and advanced search options, it has the potential to evolve and introduce new functionalities in the future.

As Meta, the parent company of Threads, continues to refine and expand the platform, it will be fascinating to witness the innovative updates they bring to the table.

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